What Is the CCI CARE.COM Charge on Your Bank Statement

What Is the CCI CARE.COM Charge on Bank Statement?

Have you ever looked at your bank statement and seen a charge called “CCI CARE.COM”? It can be confusing and a little scary if you don’t know what it means. This article will explain what this charge is, why it might be on your statement, and what you can do about it.

What Does CCI CARE.COM Mean?

CCI CARE.COM stands for “Care.com Inc.” Care.com is a website where people can find caregivers for children, seniors, pets, and even homes. If you see a CCI CARE.COM charge, it usually means you paid for a service or membership on Care.com.

What Is Care.com?

Care.com is a website that helps people find caregivers. Whether you need a babysitter, a pet sitter, or someone to help an elderly family member, Care.com can connect you with the right person. The website also offers background checks, reviews, and ratings to help you choose a trustworthy caregiver.

Why Is There a CCI CARE.COM Charge on My Statement?

Here are some common reasons why you might see a CCI CARE.COM charge:

  1. Membership Subscription: Care.com offers different membership plans. If you signed up for one, you might see a charge for it on your statement.
  2. Background Checks: If you requested a background check for a caregiver, Care.com charges a fee for this service.
  3. One-Time Fees: Sometimes, you might pay for a specific service or feature on Care.com, leading to a CCI CARE.COM charge.
  4. Promotional Offers: If you signed up for a trial and continued using the service after the trial ended, you might see a charge.

How to Check If the CCI CARE.COM Charge Is Correct

To make sure the CCI CARE.COM charge is correct, you can do these things:

  1. Review Your Activities: Check if you recently used Care.com for anything like a membership, background check, or other services.
  2. Check Your Email: Look for email receipts or confirmations from Care.com that match the date and amount of the charge.
  3. Ask Your Family: If others use your card, ask if they used Care.com for any services.
  4. Contact Care.com: Call Care.com’s customer service for more information about the charge.

Common Questions About CCI CARE.COM Charges

What if I Don’t Remember Using Care.com?

If you don’t recall using Care.com, try these steps:

  • Ask Your Family: Maybe someone else in your household used your card.
  • Review Your Online Accounts: Check your Care.com account for any recent activities or subscriptions.
  • Contact Care.com: Call Care.com’s customer service to ask about the charge.

Can CCI CARE.COM Charges Be Fraudulent?

It’s rare, but sometimes charges can be fraudulent. If you think the charge is not yours:

  • Contact Your Bank: Tell your bank right away. They can help investigate the charge.
  • Dispute the Charge: Your bank can help you remove the charge if it’s unauthorized.
  • Watch Your Account: Keep an eye on your account for other strange charges.

Steps to Take If You Find a Wrong CCI CARE.COM Charge

If you think the CCI CARE.COM charge is wrong, here’s what you should do:

  1. Call Your Bank: Let your bank know about the charge.
  2. Dispute the Charge: Ask your bank to help remove the wrong charge.
  3. Keep an Eye on Your Account: Watch for more strange charges.
  4. Change Your Card Details: If needed, get a new card to stop more unauthorized charges.

How to Avoid Unauthorized Charges

To avoid strange charges like CCI CARE.COM, follow these tips:

  1. Keep Your Card Safe: Don’t share your card details with anyone you don’t trust.
  2. Use Strong Passwords: Protect your online accounts with strong passwords.
  3. Monitor Your Statements: Regularly check your bank statements.
  4. Set Up Alerts: Many banks can send alerts for new charges.

How to Use Care.com Safely

Using Care.com can be very helpful, but it’s important to use it safely. Here are some tips:

  1. Read Reviews and Ratings: Always read the reviews and ratings of caregivers before hiring them. This will give you a sense of their reliability and the quality of their services.
  2. Conduct Interviews: Interview potential caregivers to get to know them better and ensure they are a good fit for your needs.
  3. Request Background Checks: For added security, request background checks for caregivers. This helps ensure they have no criminal history that could pose a risk.
  4. Communicate Clearly: Make sure to communicate your needs and expectations clearly with caregivers to avoid any misunderstandings.

Understanding Care.com’s Pricing

Care.com offers different pricing plans depending on what you need. Here’s a breakdown:

  1. Basic Membership: This is usually free and lets you create a profile, search for caregivers, and read limited reviews.
  2. Premium Membership: This paid membership gives you access to detailed caregiver profiles, full reviews, background check options, and the ability to contact caregivers directly.
  3. Background Checks: Care.com charges extra fees for different levels of background checks, ranging from basic to comprehensive.
  4. One-Time Purchases: Some features or services on Care.com may require a one-time fee.

How to Cancel a Care.com Subscription

If you don’t need Care.com anymore and want to avoid future charges, here’s how to cancel your subscription:

  1. Log In to Your Account: Go to the Care.com website and log in to your account.
  2. Go to Account Settings: Find the account settings or subscription management section.
  3. Cancel Membership: Follow the steps to cancel your membership. Make sure to confirm the cancellation.
  4. Check for Confirmation: Look for a confirmation email or message to make sure your subscription has been canceled.

The Importance of Watching Your Finances

Regularly checking your bank statements and knowing your spending habits can help keep your money safe. Here are some tips:

  1. Regular Statement Reviews: Look at your bank statements at least once a month.
  2. Use Financial Apps: Many apps can help you track your spending and alert you to unusual activity.
  3. Secure Your Information: Keep your banking and personal information safe from scams.
  4. Learn About Charges: Understand common billing terms and charges so you can recognize legitimate transactions.

How to Dispute a CCI CARE.COM Charge

If you need to dispute a CCI CARE.COM charge, follow these steps:

  1. Gather Information: Collect any receipts, emails, or other documentation related to the charge.
  2. Contact Care.com: Reach out to Care.com’s customer service and explain the situation. They can provide more details and potentially resolve the issue.
  3. File a Dispute with Your Bank: Contact your bank’s customer service and provide them with all the information. They will help you with the dispute process.
  4. Follow Up: Keep track of your communication and follow up with your bank and Care.com to make sure the dispute is resolved.


Seeing a CCI CARE.COM charge on your bank statement can be confusing, but now you know what it means. CCI CARE.COM stands for “Care.com Inc.,” and it shows that you paid for a service or membership on Care.com.

If you don’t recognize the charge, check with your family and review your receipts. If you think the charge is unauthorized, contact your bank right away. By staying vigilant and keeping your payment information secure, you can avoid unnecessary stress and protect your financial health. If you ever see a charge you do

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